The 2nd Transnational Project Meeting of the I’M IN TALES Project was held on 28 and 29/03/2022 in European University Cyprus (EUC) in the city of Nicosia.
The meeting produced a great team work towards innovative and inclusive education objectives. Our strategic partnership from the different countries (Italy, Belgium and Lithuania) reviewed the status of art of the first project result that will soon be summarized in a factsheet with key contents of the I’M IN TALES methodological framework to enhance inclusive storytelling activities with innovative technologies.
The next part of the meeting consisted in the definition of the next 2 main tasks:
– Authoring tool for teachers (PR2); – E-learningcourse (MOOC) for teachers (PR3)
It was a pleasure to meet face to face and enjoy work and leisure time together. Thanks to EUC team for the kindest hospitality, efficent organization and of course tasty Cypriot food!
The next Transnational Project Meeting is scheduled to take place in Naples, Italy, in November 2022.