Country -> LitHuania

City -> Vilnius

IMOTEC is a private non-profit institution, established in 2005 and offering guidance in advanced technologies and providing consultancy, training, developments and related services as far as knowledge of information communication and mobile technology are concerned. The Institute goals include promoting high quality competences in international co-operation based on applying new technologies and internet tools with the regards to development of knowledge society.

The Institute objectives:

•  To promote and coordinate initiatives for the application of innovative technologies in education.

•  To counsel and manage projects related to information and communication technologies and new educational approaches.

•  To counsel, initiate and support the community in ICT and mobile technology use for education.

•  To provide services for creating, developing and maintaining the web learning platforms and mobile (Android) based app.

•  To foster dissemination of the mobile learning tools.

•  To provide the training courses related to project management.

Since 2005 IMOTEC has been enrolled as the coordinator or partner in over 35 projects, including the Horizon 2020, COST, 5BP IST, 6th FP, Erasmus Plus, Lifelong Learning, EC Socrates, ESF and EEA programme projects. Such vast majority of project covers experience in different areas keeping the focus on education – innovative pedagogy strategies, learning achievements assessment, new learning approaches for learning key competences, emotional intelligence, creativity, arts, applications for the people with learning disabilities, social media literacy, web and mobile technologies, gamification, robotics and STEAM in educational context.