Country -> Cyprus

City -> Nicosia


European University Cyprus (EUC) was founded in 2007 and developed out of Cyprus College, which was established in 1961. EUC has participated in more than 250 projects funded by a number of programs and organizations such as the Horizon2020, Erasmus+, 7th Framework Program, Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013, Directorates General of the European Commission, the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, United Nations, European Space Agency, governmental bodies and others.  

The Department of Education involved in this project has an established tradition in Inclusive Education and Early Childhood Education. Its Master’s degree in Education Sciences: Special and Inclusive Education, offers knowledge in the field of educational, political, philosophical and theoretical aspects of inclusive education, as well as knowledge and skills for the identification, evaluation and effective education of children with disabilities with the use of assistive technology and accessible ICT. Also it’s Bachelor and Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education emphasize issues of differentiation, multicultural education, special/inclusive education through specialized courses and as main issues in more generalized courses on pedagogy and education.

The faculty’s research and teaching experience involves issues of teachers’ training for inclusive education, assistive technology and universal design for learning, early childhood education professional development, and the promotion of collaboration and multidisciplinarity for inclusive education. The research activity at EUC is empowered by the Centre of Excellence in Research & Innovation in Social Sciences, the Arts and the Humanities (SoScieAtH) which holds 6 multidisciplinary research units among which are the MRU2: Assistive Technology, Disabilities and Inclusive Education and the MRU5 Early Childhood Education. Among others, both units, are promoting innovative teaching and learning methodologies through the intelligent use of information digital and assistive technologies through the conduct of high quality research that can stimulate effective innovations and improved learning outcomes, as well as inclusive learning environments and experiences for all learners, with emphasis on the further development of early childhood educators. SoScieAtH gives the opportunity for real life experience and hands on activities to student teachers and is equipped with dynamic pedagogical and learning resources (human and material) that are constantly modified and enriched. The Centre acts as umbrella organization as well as between the collaborations for numerous research projects of interdisciplinary nature, seeking to advance current knowledge in the area of technology applications in educational environments and is involved in various projects and networks such as AAATE, ENTELIS and ENTELIS+, OMEP and EASTIN. The following faculty involved in the project are also involved in the labs and have the experience of relevant projects.